The idiocy of the American Govt. and American politicians (and all politicians for that matter) rarely ceases to amaze, but even by political standards Presidential hopeful Barack Obama's latest is a new low in stupidity. He basically says that as President he would order hits at 'Al-Qaeda' targets within Pakistan without feeling the need to inform the Pakistani Govt., and that this should have been done in the past when such occasions arose. We are further asked to believe that if the US had acted on such intelligence earlier (specifically in 2005) the entire Al-Qaeda command structure would have been wiped out at the time.
Since we are in fairyland we can also believe that this would have resulted in the Iraq situation resolving itself too, since everybody knows it is the few Al-Qaeda fighters left there who’re making it difficult to bring things back to normal in Iraq, especially since the fighting there has been over for a long time.
First of all I have to take exception to the usage of the words ‘US’ and ‘intelligence’ in the same sentence, it is anything but. US intelligence agencies have time and again proven how unintelligent they are, and there have been very few colossal mistakes in world history that can compare with that WMD fiasco on which the whole Iraq War was based. If Barack Obama is going to be basing his bombing decisions on that US intelligence, I suggest he think again.
Secondly, what Americans in general and their politicians in particular fail to gather after repeatedly making the same mistakes again and again and again is that they are not going to wipe out anything, least of all terrorism, by indiscriminate bombing of any and every country they come across. The more innocents they kill (and they’ve killed their fair share and more around the world), the more fertile they’re making the ground which will sprout exactly the kind of people they’re trying to eliminate. The answer is not carpet bombing, it was not the answer in Vietnam, it isn’t the answer in Iraq and it most certainly won’t be the answer in Pakistan or Iran or any other country that becomes ‘evil’ overnight just because their world view happens to be a bit different.
Mr. Obama would do well instead to look to the root causes of terrorism, and he’ll do well to start looking in his own backyard first. He should look towards criticizing policies which release $55 Billion in arms to Arab countries and Israel in the name of ‘peace’ and he should especially look towards keeping his mouth shut when he doesn’t know what he is talking about.