1. NOBODY really has a clue about the world economy and
2. Israel is a rogue state created out of the guilt of the West for which the Palestinians are suffering, but shouldn't.
I'll rant about Israel some other time, today let's rant economy.
- Nobody is a 100% sure of what is right or wrong for the economy or what works and what doesn't; it's all unproven theories and experimentation on a colossal scale.
- There really are no rules if you're big enough, rules are only for the small players.
- The simplest solution to economic trouble that the US has come up with is 'Print more Dollars'. It is probably extremely foolish of the other world economies to peg themselves to the Dollar and increasingly after this crisis economies will move away from this state of affairs.
- Nothing being done right now by the world economies is in any way meant to change the rotten system that is the root of all the problems.
- There is no acknowledgment that a system built and based on greed (individual and collective) is bound to fail sooner rather than later. There are no long term systems being put in place to ensure that such catastrophic failures of financial institutions are prevented in future.
- Once economic recovery happens in 2 years or 10, things will return to exactly as they are now. The world will exist on debt, greed will rule again.
- The $800,000,000,000 economic stimulus of Barack Obama is unlikely to be very helpful. Most of the money will be squandered, it will go and line the pockets of people who's pockets are already lined.
- Barack Obama and his team know as much about reversing the economic downturn as anybody else, that is to say, bloody near nothing.
- The often villified, often joked about French are the only people who were on sort of the right track. Their economy was the least leveraged, they had the most Governmental control of economic institutions. They are the ones who will suffer the least in this recession. Lesson: Less greed in the boom translates to less hardship in the depression.
- Free markets are probably not the answer. If they were, these stimulus packages go against any free market philosophy. Let the bad businesses perish. Let the big 3 fall, break up RBS, let Citibank go to the dogs. If this cannot be allowed, free markets are NOT the answer.
I'll rant about Israel some other time, today let's rant economy.
- Nobody is a 100% sure of what is right or wrong for the economy or what works and what doesn't; it's all unproven theories and experimentation on a colossal scale.
- There really are no rules if you're big enough, rules are only for the small players.
- The simplest solution to economic trouble that the US has come up with is 'Print more Dollars'. It is probably extremely foolish of the other world economies to peg themselves to the Dollar and increasingly after this crisis economies will move away from this state of affairs.
- Nothing being done right now by the world economies is in any way meant to change the rotten system that is the root of all the problems.
- There is no acknowledgment that a system built and based on greed (individual and collective) is bound to fail sooner rather than later. There are no long term systems being put in place to ensure that such catastrophic failures of financial institutions are prevented in future.
- Once economic recovery happens in 2 years or 10, things will return to exactly as they are now. The world will exist on debt, greed will rule again.
- The $800,000,000,000 economic stimulus of Barack Obama is unlikely to be very helpful. Most of the money will be squandered, it will go and line the pockets of people who's pockets are already lined.
- Barack Obama and his team know as much about reversing the economic downturn as anybody else, that is to say, bloody near nothing.
- The often villified, often joked about French are the only people who were on sort of the right track. Their economy was the least leveraged, they had the most Governmental control of economic institutions. They are the ones who will suffer the least in this recession. Lesson: Less greed in the boom translates to less hardship in the depression.
- Free markets are probably not the answer. If they were, these stimulus packages go against any free market philosophy. Let the bad businesses perish. Let the big 3 fall, break up RBS, let Citibank go to the dogs. If this cannot be allowed, free markets are NOT the answer.